吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室与日本大阪大学共同举办的“第四届SKLSHM- KYOKUGEN高压下材料科学研讨会”将在吉林大学召开。大阪大学KYOKUGEN极端条件下量子科学与技术中心师生一行共计10人参加会议。会议将围绕高压材料的前沿和热点问题进行,含报告11个,海报29个,内容如下:
Chair: Prof. Yanming Ma
8:30-8:45 Welcome Prof. Bingbing Liu Prof. Tian Cui
1. 8:45-9:10 Prof. Katsuya SHIMIZU, Osaka University, Mbar Chemistry
2. 9:10-9:35 Prof. John S Tse, Jilin University, University of Saskatchewan, Chemical reactions under Earth mantle conditions
3. 9:35-10:00 Dr. Xiaoli Huang, Jilin University, Hydrogen and hydrogen-rich compounds under high pressure
Chair: Prof. Bertil Sundqvist
4. 10:15-10:40 Prof. Mingguang Yao, Jilin University, Transformation of 1D nanostructures under high pressure
5. 10:40-11:05 Dr. Yanchao Wang, Jilin University, CALYPSO method and its applications at high pressure
6. 11:05-11:30 A. Prof. Mari EINAGA, Osaka University, Crystal Structure in Sulfur Hydride under High Pressure
Chair: Prof. Katsuya SHIMIZU
7. 13:30-13:55 Prof. Quan Li, Jilin University, Structural Design and Mechanical Properties of Superhard Materials
8. 13:55-14:20 A. Prof. NAKANISHI, Osaka University, First-principles study on phosphorus under high-pressure: crystal structure, superconductivity, and anharmonicity
9. 14:20-14:45 Prof. Yonghao Han, Jilin University, Electrical transport properties of functional materials under high pressure
10.14:45-15:10 Dr. Qiang Tao, Jilin University, Studying the hardness of molybdenum borides synthesized by high pressure and high temperature
11.15:10-15:35 A. Prof. Yongtao Zou, Jilin University, Ultrasonic Study of Materials at High Pressure
15:35-17:00 Poster section, including 27 posters (Mingguang Yao)
17:00-17:30 Poster award and closing Chair: Prof. Yanming Ma
举办单位:吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室 日本大阪大学
时间:2016年9月26日 8:30