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报告人 北京高压科学研究中心 吕旭杰 研究员 报告时间 023年8月6日(周日)下午2:00




报告人:北京高压科学研究中心 吕旭杰 研究员

Abstract: The structure-function motifs in optoelectronic materials, like the perovskite-related metal halides, are usually complicated which makes the understanding of structure-property relationships challenging. As a thermodynamic parameter, pressure provides an effective and clean approach to adjust the atomic interactions and thus modulate the structural units without changing chemical compositions. In this talk, I will present our recent efforts in investigating metal halides and beyond using high pressure, focusing on the modulation of their structural units and the influence on physical properties. Usingin situsynchrotron-based and in-laboratory diagnostic tools, we investigated the evolution of the lattice, electronic, optical, and optoelectronic properties and elucidate their structure-property relationships.

报告人简介:吕旭杰,研究员,北京高压科学研究中心。2006年获浙江大学学士学位,2011年获中国科学院博士学位。研究方向包括多功能材料的结构设计与物理化学的多维度调控。发展多尺度原位表征方法和技术研究材料在高压等外场调控下结构和物性的变化,揭示其演变规律和构效关系。通过高压和高低温等极端条件化学反应突破热力学和动力学的限制,探索常规方法无法获得的新材料和新结构。发表包括Natl. Sci. Rev.Sci. Adv.Nat. Commun.JACSAngew. Chem.Int. Ed.等在内的SCI论文100多篇,引用超8000次。在国内外学术会议上做邀请报告20多次;担任中国化学会高压化学专委会委员,Mater. Res. Lett.InfoMatRenewables和高压物理学报等期刊的编委或青年编委。