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    隋永明博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2003年牡丹江师范学院本科毕业,2010年博士毕业吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,主要从事高压下富氢材料、纳米材料合成与性质、小型高亮度X光源设计与建造研究。近年来在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Mater. Chem A、 Nanoscale 、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Crystal Growth & Design、Sens. Actuators B等科学杂志上发表论文50多篇,申请获批专利6项,文章被引用1500余次。主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)、教育部博士点基金(新教师类)、博士后基金特别资助等项目。










    1. Guangxia Wang, Yongming Sui,* Meina Zhang, Man Xu, Qingxin Zeng, Chuang Liu, Xinmei Liu, Fei Du * and Bo Zou*,One-pot synthesis of uniform Cu2O-CuO-TiO2

    hollow nanocages with highly stable lithium storage properties,J. Mater. Chem. A, 5 18577-185842017.

    2. Man Xu, Yongming Sui,* Guanjun Xiao, Xinyi Yang, Yingjin Wei and Bo Zou*,Kinetically controlled synthesis of nanoporous Au and its enhanced electrocatalytic activity for glucose-based biofuel cell,Nanoscale, 9, 2514–25202017.

    3. Xinmei Liu, Yongming Sui,* Xinyi Yang, Yingjin Wei, and Bo Zou* , Cu Nanowires with Clean Surfaces: Synthesis and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 26886–26894, 2016.

    4. Chao Wang, Yongming Sui,* Guanjun Xiao, Xinyi Yang, Yingjin Wei, Guangtian Zou and Bo Zou*, Synthesis of Cu-Ir nanocages with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for the oxygen evolution reaction,J. Mater. Chem.A, 3, 19669–19673, 2015.

    5. Man Xu, Yongming Sui,* Chao Wang, Bo Zhou, Yingjin Wei and Bo Zou*, Design of porous Ag platelet structures with tunable porosity and high catalytic activity,J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 22339–22346,2015.

    6. Chao Wang, Guanjun Xiao, Yongming Sui,* Xinyi Yang, Gang Liu, Mingjun Jia, Wei Han, Bingbing Liu and Bo Zou*, Synthesis of dendritic iridium nanostructures based on the oriented attachment mechanism and their enhanced CO and ammonia catalytic activities,Nanoscale, 6, 15059–15065, 2014.

    7. Pinhua Zhang, Yongming Sui,* Chao Wang, Yingnan Wang, Guangliang Cui, Chunzhong Wang, Bingbing Liu and Bo Zou* , A one-step green route to synthesize copper nanocrystals and their applications in catalysis and surface enhanced Raman scattering,Nanoscale, 6, 5343–5350, 2014.

    8. Yongming Sui, Yi Zeng, Weitao, Zheng, BingbingLiu, Bo Zou*,Haibin Yang*,Synthesis of polyhedron hollow structure Cu2O and their gas-sensing properties,Sensors and Actuators B,171–172, 135–140, 2012.

    9. Yongming Sui, Yi Zeng, Haibin Yang,* Yanyan Zhang, Hui Chen, Yixing Li, Minghui Li, and Guangtian Zou, Synthesis of Cu2O Nanoframes and Nanocages by Selective Oxidative Etching at Room Temperature,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.49, 4282-4285, 2010.

    10. Yongming Sui, Haibin Yang,* Yi Zeng, Yanyan Zhang, Qiang Zhao, Yangen Li, Xiaoming Zhou, Yan Leng, Minghui Li, and Guangtian Zou, Low Temperature Synthesis of Cu2O Crystals: Shape Evolution and Growth Mechanism,Crystal Growth & Design,10, 99-108, 2010