
李达,“唐敖庆学者”领军教授,博士研究生导师。2013年毕业于吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,获得博士学位。2018至2019年期间,于韩国基础科学研究院丁峰课题组从事博士后研究工作。主要从事高温高压等极端条件下凝聚态物质的结构与物性的理论研究工作。设计了多种在理论物理和材料科学领域具有重大影响的高温超导材料、电子化合物材料以及具有高能量密度的聚合氮材料。在二维材料表界面的结构与物性研究方面,构建了包括石墨烯、磷烯、MoS2在内的典型二维材料边界结构数据库,并预测了多种具有潜在应用价值的边界构型。他承担了多项国家自然科学青年基金项目、面上项目,并以第一作者及通讯作者身份,在Nature Communications、Physical Review Letters等国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。
l 极端条件下的物质结构与物性研究
l 二维材料的表界面研究
1. Yan Liu, Rui Wang, Zhigang Wang, Da Li* & Tian Cui*, Formation of twelve-fold iodine coordination at high pressure, Nature Communications 13, 412 (2022).
2. Zhao Liu, Quan Zhuang, Fubo Tian, Defang Duan, Hao Song, Zihan Zhang, Fangfei Li, Hongdong Li, Da Li,* and Tian Cui*, Proposed Superconducting Electride Li6C by sp-Hybridized Cage States at Moderate Pressures, Physical Review Letters 127, 157002 (2021).
3. Emerging d−d orbital coupling between non-d-block main-group elements Mg and I at high pressure, Yan Liu, Tian Cui, and Da Li*, iScience 26, 106113 (2023).
4. Unconventional Self-Reconstructed Trimer-like Metal Zigzag Edge of 1T-Phase Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Yue Liu, Tian Cui, Da Li*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 3651-3657 (2023).
5. Unexpected d−p Orbital Covalent Interaction Between the Non-d-block Main-group Metal Tellurium and Fluorine at High Pressure, Yan Gao, Tian Cui, Da Li*, Fundamental Research https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.05.001.
6. Self-Passivated Metal Klein Edge of 1T-Phase Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and the Induced High-Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity, Yue Liu, Da Li*, Tian Cui, Advanced Functional Materials 2208414 (2022).
7. Yue Liu, Da Li* and Tian Cui, Edge reconstructions of black phosphorene: a global search, Nanoscale 13, 4085 (2021).
8. Wenjie Wang, Yan Gao, Hongdong Li, Fubo Tian, Da Li*, Tian Cui, Unraveling electrochemical CO reduction of the single-atom transition metals supported on N-doped phosphorene, Applied Surface Science 545, 148953 (2021).
9. Wenjie Wang, Da Li*, and Tian Cui*, Carbon and Oxygen Coordinating Atoms Adjust Transition Metal Single-Atom Catalysts Based On Boron Nitride Monolayers for Highly Efficient CO2 Electroreduction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 18934-18943 (2021).
10. Zhao Liu, Da Li,* Fubo Tian, Defang Duan, Hongdong Li, and Tian Cui, Moderate Pressure Stabilized Pentazolate Cyclo‑N5− Anion in Zn(N5)2 Salt, Inorganic Chemistry 59, 8002−8012 (2020).
11. Da Li, Yanchao Wang, Tian Cui,* Yanming Ma,* and Feng Ding*, Local Carbon Concentration Determines the Graphene Edge Structure, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 3451−3457 (2020).
12. Da Li, Feng Ding, Environment-dependent edge reconstruction of transition metal dichalcogenides: a global search, Materials Today Advances 8 (2020) 100079.
13. zhao Liu, Da Li*, Quan Zhuang, Fubo Tian, Defang Duan, Fangfei Li & Tian Cui, Formation mechanism of insensitive tellurium hexanitride with armchair-like cyclo-N6 anions, Communications Chemistry 3, 42 (2020).
14. Yan Liu, Da Li*, Fubo Tian, Defang Duan, Bingbing Liu and Tian Cui*, Strain-engineering enables reversible semiconductor–metal transition of skutterudite IrAs3, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 7, 1108–1114 (2020). (Front Cover)