
王洪波,教授,博士生导师。2012年毕业于吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室。2010-2012年以及2013-2017年间在德国马克思普朗克化学研究所从事博士以及博士后研究工作,2017年以优秀青年学术骨干身份引进回到吉林大学工作。主要从事新型超导材料和高能量密度材料的探索,在金属氢、富氢超导体、聚合氮等领域取得了突破性研究成果。承担多项国家自然科学基金项目,并参与多项科技部重点专项。在Nature Physics、Physical Review Letters、Nature Communications等国际顶尖学术期刊发表论文30余篇。
1.Yinggang Song, Jingkai Bi, Yuki Nakamoto, Katsuya Shimizu, Hanyu Liu, Bo Zou, Guangtao Liu*,Hongbo Wang*, and Yanming Ma*,Stoichiometric Ternary Superhydride LaBeH8as a New Template for High-Temperature Superconductivity at 110 K under 80 GPa, Physical Review Letters 130, 266001 (2023)
2.Kui Wang#, Chang Liu#, Guangtao Liu#, Xiaohui Yu, Mi Zhou,Hongbo Wang*, Changfeng Chen*, and Yanming Ma*, Evidence for an emergent anomalous metallic state in compressed titanium, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, e2218856120 (2023)
3.Jingkai Bi, Yuki Nakamoto, Peiyu Zhang, Katsuya Shimizu, Bo Zou, Hanyu Liu*, Mi Zhou, Guangtao Liu*,Hongbo Wang*, and Yanming Ma*, Giant enhancement of superconducting critical temperature in substitutional alloy (La,Ce)H9, Nature Communications 13, 5952 (2022)
4.Liang Ma#, Kui Wang#, Yu Xie#, Xin Yang, Yingying Wang, Mi Zhou, Hanyu Liu, Xiaohui Yu, Yongsheng Zhao,Hongbo Wang*, Guangtao Liu*, and Yanming Ma* High-Temperature Superconducting Phase in Clathrate Calcium Hydride CaH6up to 215 K at a Pressure of 172 GPa, Physical Review Letters 128, 167001 (2022)
5.M. I. Eremets *#, A. P. Drozdov#, P. P. Kong#andH. Wang#, Semimetallic molecular hydrogen at pressure above 350 GPa, Nature Physics 15, 1246 (2019)
6.J. Bi, Y. Nakamoto, P. Zhan, Y. Wang, L. Ma, Y. Wang, B. Zou, K. Shimizu, H. Liu, M. Zhou,H. Wang*, G. Liu*, Y. Ma*, Stabilization of superconductive La–Y alloy superhydride with T c above 90 K at megabar pressure, Materials Today Physics 28, 100840 (2022)
7.Yingying Wang, Kui Wang, Yao Sun, Liang Ma, Yanchao Wang, Bo Zou, Guangtao Liu*, Mi Zhou*, andHongbo Wang*, Synthesis and superconductivity in yttrium superhydrides under high pressure, Chinese Physics B 31, 106201 (2022)
8.Liang Ma#, Mi Zhou#, Yingying Wang, Saori Kawaguchi, Yasuo Ohishi, Feng Peng, Hanyu Liu, Guangtao Liu*,Hongbo Wang* and Yanming Ma*, Experimental clathrate superhydrides EuH6and EuH9at extreme pressure conditions, Physical Review Research 3, 043107 (2021)
9.Liang Ma#, Xin Yang#, Guangtao Liu#, Hanyu Liu, Guochun Yang, Hui Wang, Jinqun Cai, Mi Zhou*, andHongbo Wang*, Design and synthesis of clathrate LaB8with superconductivity, Physical Review B 104, 174112 (2021)
10.Yingying Wang, Kui Wang, Yanmei Ma, Mi Zhou∗,Hongbo Wang*, and Guangtao Liu*, Pressure-induced structural transitions between successional superconducting phases in GeTe, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 33, 355403 (2021)